Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Running Home .1

Developing a consistent system for organizing the every day places in a home that are in constant motion without restricting that motion is next to impossible. In the kitchen, groceries constantly change size, shape and quantity. Kids rooms or a play room are remarkably busy and evolve with each toy that is added or removed, or each time the toys aren't put back in a way that isn't just so. A laundry room or space is always getting full of dirty items and then baskets or bins of clean laundry that need to be taken care of. 

However, in each busy room there are things that remain for long periods of time in a state of suspended animation. Keeping those things organized as well as keeping a system in place for the busy things can make all the difference in that rooms flow. 
Case in point: Classroom
Our classroom is meant to be a dedicated room where we go to have discussions, class time to work, and art time together. We haven't 'been in session' for a little while due to some conflicts so there hasn't been any flow here and as you can see currently, it's a disaster. 

 After we found out that Bugs wouldn't be accepted by the public school that she already attends we did some refining work on the provisions we already had just for Coliander. These pictures are the result of half-hearted room organization once we gathered more items to accommodate a larger range of subjects to be taught. We'd bring the stuff home and put it into the classroom,walk away for a bit, come back in a few hours and do a little bit of sorting.
Not effective or efficient.
The table is supposed to be used for class work and crafting. At lest one of those things are happening here. Oops.
Classroom sub-texts are still in order by subject at least.
Mounds of unmanaged... stuff. Trash that still needs to be taken care of too.

This book shelf is supposed to be specific text books that pertain to our main subjects.
Puzzles! *sob*
 This is a brand new Media Center that I fashioned out of our old crib, after I had already made it into a desk prior to receiving the table and chairs we now have to use.
 It really worked out well for accommodating our needs with one child for a better side-by-side teaching experience. 
  The only place where you can see that I have actually spent time putting things in their place each time I added something is in our closet. It is where much of the art supplies and teacher's stuff are located. These are things that the kids aren't allowed to do anything with without getting permission first.
Organize me!
Over the next few days I'll be going through each space in here to be geared up to start summer school in a week. *EEK*

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